Epoxy Coatings for Concrete Floors Floor coatings are a fantastic solution for your concrete surfaces. Concrete can have a pleasant sight for some people, however others might not find that concrete appearance as being tasteful. Fortunately there are plenty of solutions for those who prefer to explore a more creative and decorative approach. What is Epoxy? Epoxy is an industrial coating that works as an extremely durable adhesive and binds to your concrete surfaces. Epoxy coatings are designed to protect the surface it is applied to, whether it be your countertops, floors and even your walls. Epoxy is a self leveling and protective material that helps prevent corrosion on your surfaces so it has become a popular choice for businesses and homeowners. Beside being undeniably secure, one of the best traits of applying epoxy to your surfaces is the multitude of mesmerizing color pigments and dazzling glitters that you can incorporate into the epoxy mix itself...
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