What is Concrete? Concrete is used in practically every form of construction in today's industries. Concrete is a composite material of coarse aggregate that's bonded together with a flowing cement. Concrete implements strength, density, as well as chemical and thermal resistance, AND pleases us with an essentially natural looking form. Concrete is one of the most ingenious inventions known to man and it didn't take long before it dominated today's ever-changing flooring industry. When concrete is being mixed, before it's spread on the floor , it's churned vigorously with water. This rotating motion ensures ease when mixing the concrete and water properly. The churning action will also eliminate the formation of any air bubbles within the mix. It is necessary to remove all air bubbles as these can be later lead to fractures in the concrete. If it's not treated in time, these fractures could develop into large cracks. Once the slab is poured an...
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