When working with concrete flooring in your home or business , they can develop problems over time. Even though it is durable and cost efficient to use as flooring in both homes and businesses, it can settle unevenly. When this happens you will have a noticeable dip in the surface or cracks that will make it hazardous to walk across. Your concrete flooring will especially be degraded when it is exposed to an excessive amount of moisture over the years, for example basement flooring . The best way to repair the damage safely and cost efficiently is to use a g rinder to level the concrete flooring. Leveling your concrete flooring is not difficult when you use quality grinders . Xtreme PolishingSystems has the best grinders on the market. The disc you need to use to grind down the concrete on Xtreme Polishing Systems grinders is the XPS 10 Seg . It is ideal for contractors or homeowners who need a quality disc but are concerned with the up front cost when leveling concre...
Commercial & DIY | Decorative Concrete & Epoxy Floors, Surface Preparation & Floor Resurfacing - Blog (877) 958-5732 - www.xtremepolishingsystems.com