What Are Polyaspartic Coatings? When several facilities require advanced top coat protection for their floor, counter, bar and tabletop surfaces, they typically struggle to find the proper and most reliable protective coating to meet meet all of their requirements. This reliable top coat was developed over 20 years ago and has become more popular to date. Polyaspartic coatings are an aliphatic polyurea that's granted the ability to protect and guard surfaces from damages like constant automobile traffic, foot traffic, chemicals and spills and other forms of wear and tear. High Resistance Protection Polyaspartic floor coatings are capable of withstanding all types of stains, punctures, impacts, chemical spills, and direct contact with high temperature when comparing with other coatings. This protective flooring system will not need expensive and regular waxing in the long run or any other kind of resurfacing treatment options. In order to bring the coating back to...
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